Helping the Healers: Understanding, Recognizing, and Responding to Vicarious Trauma
Presented by: Leslie Stewart, LPC, PhD
Wednesday, November 6th , 2019
1:00 - 5:00pm
The presenter will discuss key concepts and current literature relevant to vicarious trauma in helping professionals and aid attendees in learning to identify risk factors and address symptoms of vicarious trauma.
1) Identify and describe current literature and key concepts relevant to Vicarious Trauma, 2) Understand risk factors and symptoms of vicarious trauma in self and others, 3) Create strategies for preventing and addressing symptoms of vicarious trauma in self and others, 4) Identify and discuss legal, ethical, multicultural, and social justice considerations relevant to identifying and responding to vicarious trauma in self and others.
The Idaho Counseling Association is a Branch of the American Counseling Association
P.O. Box 1426 Boise, ID 83701
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